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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Going back to school....

(again).... So, Jesse's contract @ IBM will be up in Nov.. However, he may have a job with Tech systems. Just in case I get stuck paying the mortgage and everything else I am going back to school this summer for my CNA. I'm sure I can make 12-18 dollars an house. Good enough :-) I enjoy that kind of work. I'm studying already because I don't know if it would be possible to not start studying now and actually pass. With two young daughters I don't think I would be able to do well unless I study now! I have my old text book, I checked out the state board written test from the library and I'm practicing the skills. I'm good to go! I Got accepted into the local community College again. lmbo.

My neighbors moved out!

That means I'll be getting new neighbors. I hope they're nice and not derelicts because you never know in this neighborhood. The ones across the street shoot up outside and wake me up a night. Our neighbors were nice but couldn't tolerate noise! They called the cops on us once. We made friends though. Then they gave us a new stove :) among other things. We're getting new neighbors two houses down as well. Their house is going to be auctioned off....

My lil' Belle is walking.... and update.

It seems like she has been taking a few steps here and there since she was 10 or 11 months. I thought she'd walk any day at an early age. Well, a few days shy of 14 mos, she started walking!! She's perfected it so well that she is running. Well, kinda. She is say many many words. Poop (funny one), cat, dog, I eat, up, go, Mama, Dada, Mommy, baby, ball, block, hat, head, nose. She seems pretty intelligent :) She is such a Mama's girl, she wants to be with me ALL the time. But that fine because she's growing so fast and soon I'll be wishing I had a baby to hold and take care of.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Isabelle is crawling!!!

Today she started crawling. She just turned 8 months a few days ago. It only took her0.005 seconds to knock over the cat food!!!

I have a crawler....

She just started crawling today! 8 months and 2 days! It didn't take her long to find the cat food and dump it all over the floor 0.o :D