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Friday, September 6, 2019

Halloween already?

Time flies! I cannot believe it is this close to the holiday season. I'm a procrastinator. I wait last minute to buy Halloween costumes and do my Christmas shopping. Maybe I should be more organized, and shop ahead of time? 😂 I'm sure I would be less stressed. The pumpkin patch at the local farm will be opening soon. The kids and I can pick out our own pumpkins, carve it, and bake the brains of the pumpkin lol jk. The kids love the bouncy castle. My favorite is the petting zoo. I love animals. When the kids were little, they got to ride the ponies. Then comes the trick-or-treating. We try to go to as many houses as we can and get tons of candy. Of course I find their chocolate stash when they're in school. The weather in Colorado can either be perfect, too hot or snowy on our night out of getting our treats. Depends on the year. Growing up, I wasn't allowed to celebrate Halloween, so I go all out. I used to take my kids to a lot of Halloween festivities. The children's museum, haunted houses, and we have a zombie crawl out here. One of my daughter's is a Tom-boy, so she likes to dress up as a dinosaur or as a superhero. My other daughter is a girly-girl, so she is either a princess or something cute. I makes it fun. I like to dress up as a cat or a hippie. I'm not sure what I am going to dress up as, are you? I'm going to dress up as a tired Mom, a Mommy zombie 😂😂😂 That is how I feel most days.